Supported countries for SMS

Multi factor authentication

Customers can optionally select to authenticate using Simployer Multifactor Authentication. This is a more secure way of authentication and requires the users mobile phone number to be registered in their account. An extra code is sent by SMS for each authentication request and is required together with username and password to be able to authenticate.

Supported countries

To reduce the possibility of SMS fraud, we have reduced the number of countries that we support sending SMS to. If you require SMS sending to work for users with phone numbers in countries outside the list, please post a ticket with our support center.


Austria (+43)

Belgium (+32)

Denmark (+45)

Estonia (+372)

Faroe Islands (+298)

Finland (+358)

France (+33)

Germany (+49)

Iceland (+354)

Ireland (+353)

Italy (+39)

Lithuania (+370)

Netherlands (+31)

Norway (+47)

Poland (+48)

Portugal (+351)

Romania (+40)

Slovakia (+421)

Spain (+34)

Sweden (+46)

Switzerland (+41)

North America

Canada (+1)

United States (+1)